Met met a woman recently who has a very hectic work schedule and so for convenience we've been e-mailing back and forth just to get to know a little about one another and after about three weeks I finally asked her if she wanted to get together for a picnic or something, she wasn't too hip on the idea so I suggested other options and they were really not that great and I had to admit to her I'm not so great at this whole dating thing. She was so sweet and just wrote back saying "Haha, you are so cute! We should go get some dinner :) "
The following was my response:
Dinner sounds great. But you should know I am very difficult. The last time I went to dinner was with my family and they asked me where I wanted to go and it made me so nervous to make a decision I ended up getting a really bad headache. Yeah, I know this might be funny, but its a true story. So if this dinner thing could be really dumbed down for me and I don't have to spend more than $10 then I could handle it and I think it could be fun. I'm not poor or a cheap-ass I just hate buying strangers a meal. Except for homeless people who I can tell are too insane to work. But I usually just buy them something on the dollar menu. Oh gosh, maybe I am a cheap-ass. Well, nobody is perfect. I'm generous in other ways, if you know what I'm saying ;) Not like a sexual thing more like I don't mind helping someone fix something or help move their furniture around. Stuff like that. So I guess if time is money I'm pretty generous with my money. So anyway, what places do you like to go for dinner?
Also, What is your name again?