You, me, bars, jackets, artI think if I ever saw you, maybe in a bar, like a high-end one and not one of those hole in the wall places. Even though I like hole in the wall bars. I imagine you sitting in a booth type seating arrangement with three sharply dresses woman and two casual looking gay men. You would be dressed in all black and have a silver pendant that was just recently handed down to you by your grandmother pinned on the left side of your jacket. For some reason your grandmother didn't want your mother to have it and so it just went directly to you. So now there is this weird vibe every time you visit your parent's house. So there you are just sitting in the middle of this booth and everyone is telling really funny stories but you're not reacting much at all. You just nod your head, smile, and sip straight vodka from your glass.
I would be at the other end of the bar, at the bar. I'm wearing expensive looking black slacks which I found at a thrift store for ten dollars and a gold Armani button up that was made in 1988 and was given to be by an old girlfriend. I thought she spent a lot of money on it but as it turns out she just stole it from her uncle when she was house-sitting for him while he was on a cruise with his unusually close best friend Max. Yes, both her uncle and Max are unmarried and have no kids. I'm sure you get the idea, though no one in her family got it but her. Not sure why he was hiding it. Or maybe they were denying it. Either way, people should just be who they are and everyone else should respect it. Max was always really sweet to me and I actually feel bad about having his shirt. Although I'm sure he doesn't even notice its missing and I really like it. I'm also wearing a maroon smoking jacket with a pearl colored silk lining and its really comfortable so I wear it with anything even though it rarely goes with the rest of my clothing.
I'm drinking Coke with crushed ice out of a Lowball glass but act like its a cocktail. I look over at you and we make brief eye contact, then I walk over and rudely interrupt everyone only to introduce myself to you and then I say, "Hello, I would love for you to come chat with me at the bar for twenty-seven minutes and then come to my loft to view my newest art collection." At this point you just look at me with no expression and everyone else in the booth starts laughing and then make jokes about my clothing. So I walk away in shame and hit on a chunky redheaded woman in a feeble attempt to make you jealous. I know its not working yet I continue to flirt with this woman and tell her how beautiful she is. Then I start thinking, "Okay, this woman is really sweet and I feel like an asshole to be using her in this way." Then she starts talking about how long its been since she has had sex with anyone and looks at me with sad eyes. I then realize I'm in a very awkward situation and I'm not quite sure how to get out of it. I glance over of you every few minutes to see if you are noticing me. I get a feeling like you want to help me out but just can't stand the thought of standing next to someone with such a bad hair cut. So you send one of your gay friends over and he says "When are we going home honey?" At this point I'm so relieved I buy you are your friends a round of drinks and we all go and see my new art collection.
So anyway, that's just what came across my mind when I saw and read your profile. In reality this could happen except I don't go to nice bars and I don't even know if there are any in this town and I don't have a maroon smoking jacket. I do however have the other stuff. i.e. cheap pants, free Armani shirt, but it wasn't given to me the way my story explains it. So yes I have a new art collection. But its not really mine. It's just hanging in my place. I'm not sure if this sounds like I'm bragging or making fun of myself. If its bragging its probably just a defense mechanism at work due to my thoughts of lower than average self worth.
Okay, thanks for listening. Or reading actually. Hopefully I receive a response, otherwise I'll just be like, "dang, that girl is stuck up" even though I'm sure you're not but I have to say something to place the blame on someone else rather than myself. Because if I don't then I just think about all the bad decisions I have made which lead me to the sad and lonely existence I often live in. Although I really do think its mostly the economy to blame and not my poor work ethics or any of my social dysfunctions.
Alright, that was way too much about me. I would love to hear about you.
Please write back, I'm so lonely and desperate for attention. Although people do call quite often. I'm just bored with them. Well not really them, its more about being bored of the same kind of activities I end up doing with these people. I guess I could suggest something new. Maybe you have some ideas. Let me know. :)