I saw a girl today with an orange sweater and I went up to her and said "hey how's it going, I like your sweater. My garage door is same color orange, just like pumpkins, I just thought you might find that interesting what a crazy coincidence right?" So she looks at me with a polite smile and backs away slowly, then abruptly gets in her car and speeds away. So now I'm standing there feeling like a total idiot and as I walk away my inner dialog says to me;
Wow, that's a really boring thing to say. Man, my game really needs some work. I mean, was that supposed to be some kind of pick up line? Totally lame. Well, my door really is orange but who cares?! What is she going to be like "OH WOW, it's a sign! I must get to know this guy" I don't know, maybe a chubby girl at church will pick up on me and we'll date for a while. Most of the time I will be scheming of ways to get her to loose a few so I will feel like I'm some sort of success in life just because the person I'm dating is "hot." Whatever that means. I really should be thinking of ways to enhance "inner beauty" but who knows what that really is. Plus, you can't put that on the cover of a magazine. So to the rest of the world and from an economic standpoint, its pretty much useless. So where do I go from here? I'm not sure. Maybe I'll meet some ladies in a bikram yoga class but then I'll probably be so covered in sweat I'll be too self conscious to even open my mouth to say hello to anyone. I suppose I should just go to bed, cuddle up to the body pillow and hopefully drift away in 20 minutes from the Tylenol PM my mother packs in my medication tray.
Wow, that's a really boring thing to say. Man, my game really needs some work. I mean, was that supposed to be some kind of pick up line? Totally lame. Well, my door really is orange but who cares?! What is she going to be like "OH WOW, it's a sign! I must get to know this guy" I don't know, maybe a chubby girl at church will pick up on me and we'll date for a while. Most of the time I will be scheming of ways to get her to loose a few so I will feel like I'm some sort of success in life just because the person I'm dating is "hot." Whatever that means. I really should be thinking of ways to enhance "inner beauty" but who knows what that really is. Plus, you can't put that on the cover of a magazine. So to the rest of the world and from an economic standpoint, its pretty much useless. So where do I go from here? I'm not sure. Maybe I'll meet some ladies in a bikram yoga class but then I'll probably be so covered in sweat I'll be too self conscious to even open my mouth to say hello to anyone. I suppose I should just go to bed, cuddle up to the body pillow and hopefully drift away in 20 minutes from the Tylenol PM my mother packs in my medication tray.

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