Lately I've been getting a compliment from women that I'm not so sure about and when I say lately I mean my whole life. The compliment usually is prefaced in a nice way but basically its the same thing. It's the use of the word "adorable." Typically meaning I posses something that should be noted and described only with the use of that one word. For some reason that word just comes to a females mind when I am a topic of discussion.
But here is the thing, do you know what else is adorable, kittens. Yep, that's right, kittens are adorable, guess what else, babies, yeah, babies, also miniature tea sets, ponies, flowers that make their way up and threw cracks in city sidewalks, puppies, when a little kid first learns how to walk around and takes off their clothes and pees in the yard, old ladies who still refer to black people as Negro's, well actually that's kind of racist. Unless they are senile and then its just plain funny.
Also, sprinkles on top of cupcakes, those eight once glass bottles of Coke, your niece, you know the one you taught swear words to and when her parents hear her say them they wonder where she got it from and can't figure it out so they end up turning against each other and now they are fighting, which is good for you because now they are the center of all the family drama instead of you just because no one can let go of the time you drank an entire twelve pack of Pepsi at 11 o'clock at night and then decided for some reason to do a deep clean to the refrigerator, but you totally crashed from the caffeine and sugar high and forgot to put the mayonnaise back in until the next day and and then the entire family was sick from the potato salad made from it. But looking back on the whole experience is actually really funny and I think that's why everyone still talks about it and won't let it go. But mostly because it distracts them from there own problems.
Like that one family member we all have who just can't figure it out and even if you explained to them how the world works a hundred times a day they still wouldn't get it and just continue to waste there life trying to make it big in the world of Multi Level Marketing or some new grand invention that is actually a piece of crap but everyone it too afraid to let them know how much it sucks. I'm sure we all know someone like that right? So anyway, the moral to this story is that there isn't one but I'm sure all you ladies can think of a better word to use then adorable. Otherwise, I would just rather hear nothing. But hey, that's just me. I always look a gift horse in the mouth, I mean, what if I was living in Ancient Troy?
But here is the thing, do you know what else is adorable, kittens. Yep, that's right, kittens are adorable, guess what else, babies, yeah, babies, also miniature tea sets, ponies, flowers that make their way up and threw cracks in city sidewalks, puppies, when a little kid first learns how to walk around and takes off their clothes and pees in the yard, old ladies who still refer to black people as Negro's, well actually that's kind of racist. Unless they are senile and then its just plain funny.
Also, sprinkles on top of cupcakes, those eight once glass bottles of Coke, your niece, you know the one you taught swear words to and when her parents hear her say them they wonder where she got it from and can't figure it out so they end up turning against each other and now they are fighting, which is good for you because now they are the center of all the family drama instead of you just because no one can let go of the time you drank an entire twelve pack of Pepsi at 11 o'clock at night and then decided for some reason to do a deep clean to the refrigerator, but you totally crashed from the caffeine and sugar high and forgot to put the mayonnaise back in until the next day and and then the entire family was sick from the potato salad made from it. But looking back on the whole experience is actually really funny and I think that's why everyone still talks about it and won't let it go. But mostly because it distracts them from there own problems.
Like that one family member we all have who just can't figure it out and even if you explained to them how the world works a hundred times a day they still wouldn't get it and just continue to waste there life trying to make it big in the world of Multi Level Marketing or some new grand invention that is actually a piece of crap but everyone it too afraid to let them know how much it sucks. I'm sure we all know someone like that right? So anyway, the moral to this story is that there isn't one but I'm sure all you ladies can think of a better word to use then adorable. Otherwise, I would just rather hear nothing. But hey, that's just me. I always look a gift horse in the mouth, I mean, what if I was living in Ancient Troy?